Friday, February 29, 2008

my mouth is trying to kill me

I need a root canal did I mention that already, I don't know but I cannot escape the pulsating rhythm of pain in the upper left quadrant of my mouth, I am a whiner! it makes me feel better, here is a quote: an eye for an eye will leave the head of humanity blind-Ghandi.
Now off to search for images-inspiration-be well all

Yes Mimi, freezing is all relative, but we did actually get some frosty bits on the leaves, although the sun broke through and was sixty degrees in the patches of sunshine, you should live here in the winter.

On the flip side, in 4 months I will be undoubtedly whining about how the sun is trying to kill us all!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am going to work on abstract pieces, I have to sell more paintings

It is freezing out today, I am voting for Barack.

I am working on some cool knitting, yes knitting is cool.
I couldn't sleep last night because of a tooth ache. Everyone I know is catastophicly broke, it feels like we are all on this ship and it's going down!

buy art! it's not a slow down, it's not a tumor? I don't know Arnold, it might be. . .